617-584-5011 nahma@nadich.com

For Rabbis and Other Clergy

Are you feeling spiritually and physically exhausted by your role? Do you find yourself adrift in a sea of administrative and managerial tasks, leaving you precious little time to tend to your pastoral duties, your family, or your faith?  Are you too depleted to be the leader you want to be?

I understand – and I can be your partner in reconnecting with your purpose, reinvigorating your leadership, and forging a path forward.

Growing up as the daughter of a rabbi, I got a firsthand glimpse of the many blessings of serving one’s community as a spiritual leader, along with the very real challenges of sustaining yourself – and your family – in this very public role. 

Those challenges have only grown more daunting over the years, as I learned over the last two decades, in collaborating with and consulting with rabbis and ministers across denominations.

You are chosen to be the spiritual guide and leader of a community, whose leadership body also happens to be your employer and manager. You thought you were hired as an individual, but there turn out to be implicit expectations of your spouse and family as well. You were selected to reinvigorate your congregation and attract multitudes of new members (especially young families!) but even the most modest changes you suggest are met with vociferous resistance. You have a passionate commitment to justice, animated by your religious values, but if you deliver a message that anyone sees as “political”, the blowback can reverberate and diminish your standing.  And all of the goals you hoped to achieve with, and on behalf of, your community are thwarted by the endless demands to manage the administrative and logistical tasks of your house of worship.

Having a coach who understands the personal, communal, organizational and political dynamics you face, can not only cut through the all too frequent isolation that clergy members experience, but can also help you chart a strategic path to the powerful and principled leadership to which you aspire.

I work with clergy to:

  • Clarify your most deeply held values
  • Align your leadership – and scheduling! -choices with those values
  • Understand the power landscape in which you operate
  • Discern the values and interests of your congregants
  • Identify and develop key leaders
  • Determine and maintain the boundaries you need for a healthy work/life balance
  • Continually refine your vision for your leadership and hold yourself accountable to it

Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation.

As a coach, Nommi has always had a superpower for articulating my own strengths and areas for growth in ways that I may not always be able to on my own. Over many years of guidance and mentorship, this has been a real gift and continues to help me better understand my own foundational skill set and purpose.

Director of Synagogue Organizing

When I was considering a major career change, Nahma helped me think through how to make sure I would be successful on this new path. With her deep listening skills, warmth, thoughtful questions, and incredibly wise insights and ideas, I  came away more confident and armed with ideas and plans that have been essential to my thriving in this new field.  

Director of Development, National Justice Training and Fellowship Program

Nommi has been an insightful and supportive mentor for me over the 14 years we have worked together. She is a wonderfully effective thought partner and strategic thinker, who was always willing to listen and coach me on how to have challenging conversations with colleagues, external stakeholders, and volunteers.

Director of Community Engagement

In my twelve years of being coached by Nommi, our meetings were, for me, an essential and invaluable course in work and life.  Nahma approaches everything with thorough and disciplined insight, creative and expansive problem-solving,  and with encouragement to take actions which uplift and honor people in dignity. 

Founder and Executive Director of a local volunteer service organization

Nommi is wise, warm, an incredible listener, a creative strategist, and the absolute best person to have in your corner in virtually all circumstances but especially when you are trying to navigate complex situations. She coaches with compassion, she is politically savvy, and she is desperately funny to boot.

Senior Advisor and Former ED of a Justice Training and Fellowship Program

I have been fortunate to have Nommi as an executive board member for over 6 years of my career. She has fostered my leadership development, and with her guidance, I became a better coach by providing valuable feedback to staff. She is a skilled sounding board, in navigating difficult situations. She is exceptional at confirming if you are on the right track and honest if she sees any adjustments needed. 

Executive Director, Local broad-based interfaith organization